Fool Bahadur |
Celestial |
Celestial is a love poem of 100 rhyming couplets wherein the poet
restlessly seeks his beloved, who is playing a game of hide-and-seek in
the remote corners of the universe. This breathtaking poem takes you
on a poetic journey to all the 88 star constellations visible from Earth
and reveals the hidden mysteries of the universe. Accompanied with
46 exquisite illustrations by the tenth-century Persian astronomer
‘Abd al-Rah.mān al-S.ūfī, Celestial makes a delightful read.
Kalidasa's Meghduta: The Cloud Messenger translated by Abhay K. has been published by Bloomsbury India. It is available globally now at Bloomsbury and Amazon
Please read an excerpt from the book here at First Post and an interview with Abhay K. regarding the process of translation here at Global Literature in Libraries Initiative.